Well… if you remember, my two knitting goals were:
- Get all of the things on my 2015 Holiday Knitting List knit
- To post weekly updates on my knitting progress…
Based on the above updated list and the fact this is my first (published) update since November, it is safe to say I did not meet either goal. But! I did get a lot of great knitting done and learned some new skills. 🙂 Check out the Santa Claus (Elf) I knit for my nephew on my 10.5 hour Norwegian Airlines flight from Oakland to Stockholm.
My flight was actually delayed and the airline knew about it well before take-off. So, when I walked up to the counter to check-in the first thing the attendant said after I told her where I was headed to was, “You’re flight has been delayed so you’ll miss your connection. We’ve rebooked you on the next flight but it isn’t until the next morning so we booked you a hotel, too.” Then, she asked for my passport and checked me in! Now that’s customer service. Just one of the many reasons I like flying Norwegian!
Now for the updates!
Hunting season is over so I’ll wait for next year on that one (it’s a gift for someone) but I made a lot of progress on Katie’s Sweater. The only thing I have left to do is finish one pocket lining and weave in the ends then block it… You’d think I’d get it done but if you’re a knitter, you know that’s not how it works! The goal is to get it done and mailed by March 19. That’s when I pack up all my things for storage though so we’ll see how it goes.
I didn’t get ornaments done this year but that’s ok. My mom actually sent me the Christmas Quick Knits and ornament kit from a magazine so I’m all set for 2016 holiday knitting!
As for the NaKniSweMo… maybe Nov. 2016 will be the year it gets finished…
How did your holiday knitting list go?
Very cool Santa. Did You know that You can meet Santa in Finland at the Arctic Circle?
Reindeer rides and Santa
Have a good day!
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