The Pretty Woman Jet Lag Cure
Is it possible to avoid or beat jet lag? I experimented with one method on a recent trip from Santiago, Chile to San Francisco, USA.
Not everything I want to write about fits nicely into travel, knitting, or running so it will get put here. I know everyone rages about the need for a work / life balance, and I do try not to “work” all the time but I don’t have a typical 9-5 office job, and the line is often blurred between work and not-work so be prepared to see that happen here. Welcome to a new world that we will see more and more of as the “experience consumer” way of life spreads globally and and across generations.
Is it possible to avoid or beat jet lag? I experimented with one method on a recent trip from Santiago, Chile to San Francisco, USA.
Travel blogging is an exploding industry. I started my first travel blog in 2000 and since then I’ve struggled with it. Do I even want to keep blogging?
Posted from: the train – Vienna to Frankfurt How do you stay motivated when you are cleaning or sorting out things to donate? Me, I listen to “minimalist” videos at 1.5x or 2.0x speed on YouTube. On one such rare Saturday morning I was home this past fall, I hit… Read More »Me and My Fantasy Travel Blogging Self
In 10 days, I traveled to 7 cities, ran 3 half marathons in two different countries on the same day, all accompanied by my traveling rubber duck.
travelingshoes lesson of the day: If you go through TSA security with wet business clothes, you’ll really confuse the scanner and the officers. Then you’ll get a FULL body pat down. Today, I have a short trip to Newark, NJ for a business meeting. I opted for for Delta flights… Read More »Wet clothes and TSA – a travel no no